Hello Everyone,
It's been a little while since I posted. I am having some dental work done. This will be an ongoing for the next month or so. I want to talk a little bit about it and the cause.
About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with level two Gastroparesis. I know that I spoke of this before but for those who are unaware this is what it is.
Gastroparesis is the delayed emptying of the stomach. It's a disorder that slows or stops the movement of food from your stomach to the small intestines. It is nerve damage to the stomach which is how I was told.
One in 100,000 people have this condition. I went undiagnosed for years thinking it was other things like GERD or my gall bladder. I finally found the right doctor and had a nuclear test study done which revealed the condition. There are 4 levels I have level 2. When you eat food generally moves out of the stomach within about 3 hours. For me I still have almost 50% of my food still remaining.
I had great discomfort when I ate and pain that would leave me bedridden. Now I know it was because food was pulling up and not able to move out so I had loss of appetite and other issues like IBS.
I of course asked what has caused this condition. Mostly people who have diabetes, hypothyroidism, nervous system disorders and so on get this condition. I don't fall into any of these categories except for having damaged nerves from an injury. I suspect I have had some form of this for years. The doctors don't seem to know why I have it.
I take medication to help with stomach motility and acid build up. It helps and I have discovered that the carnivore diet aids with managing the acid in my stomach and I no longer have issue with IBS. It turns out that low fiber diets help with may gastrointestinal conditions and contrary to popular belief you don't need fiber in your diet. My husband and I do just fine without it.
Because meat, especially, red meat, is the most nutrient dense food I am able to maintain my health better with a healthy weight ,lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. I still find it difficult to eat enough protein some days because of this condition but I am getting better at it.
One of the sad results of having this is the deterioration of my teeth. I had no idea this would cause so much harm to them. The acid reflux and vomiting over the years has really taken a toll on my mouth. I am fortunate to have found a good dentist who says it's her job to save my teeth and not judge me. What a breath of fresh air. So I am currently moving forward to do all that can be done because oral health is important to overall health. I want to continue to enjoy steak, chuck roast and other meats as we are meeting our health goals.
Remember Jesus is Lord, God is in control and only Him do we serve.
Rock on carnivores!!