Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Hello Everyone,

When I decided to take more control of my health one item on that agenda to tackle was my digestive issues.  i knew that I had IBS but no diagnosis about what was going on with my stomach.  Over the years I saw different doctors with no answer.  Finally, we now have an internal medicine doctor who sent me to a GI doctor for further help. 

This doctor did not repeat the tests that were already done but looked them over and decided on a nuclear test. This turned out to be a 2-3 hour test.  I had some food that was sprinkled with a nuclear drug and they scanned my stomach to view the contents. Every half hour they would rescann my stomach to see how much of the contents my stomach was able to move out. This went on until the test was completed.

I returned to learn the results of that test and I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis level 2.  Normally when you eat your stomach has motility and moves all its contents out in about 2 hours. In my case I still have over 40% of the content still sitting there.  I have nerve damage to my stomach. She started me on 2 medications. One for stomach motility and another for overactive stomach acid.

She recommended that I eat very soft foods. So, I decided to try vegan and eat very cooked vegetables thinking that meat would be harsh on my stomach.  I was wrong. My daughter who is vegan was very happy for me to try this.  I did enjoy my food but my body didn't enjoy eating it.  The high fiber caused all kinds of trouble with my stomach and IBS. I did this diet for several months and became too sick to continue it.

I went back to Google and Youtube and watched videos from various doctors to get more answers. I found the carnivore diet.  Now most doctors and dietitians tell you not to eat to much meat.  These doctors said something else. Meat was part of the proper human diet. I went to The Bible to see what God had to say.

Genesis 9:3

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you.  I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.

Here God gave the command to eat meat and plants.  No where did He ever rescind that.  I am not anti vegetable.  On the contrary if I could I would eat them. Having a diet of only meat had healed me of IBS and greatly helped my Gastroparesis.  It has also healed my husband of Type 2 Diabetes, and high cholesterol. He is off 5 of the 7 medications he was on.

Is a carnivore diet a cure? No, I don't know what is but this way of eating has made a positive impact on our health.

God Bless you.

Rock on carnivores!! 

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