Saturday, January 20, 2024


Hello everyone,

In this blog I am going to talk about my stomach issues that have had a negative impact on my health.

Over the years and I mean years, I developed IBS.  We all know about a sluggish gut and how uncomfortable, even painful it can be.  Along with this I began having terrible stomach issues.  I started having trouble keeping food down even horrible pain in my stomach which left me bed ridden.  

I had all the usual tests done upper and lower GI, colonoscopy.  Even had my stomach scoped.  They would find a polyp but not much else.  In 2009 it was so bad I even had my gall bladder removed because it was a little sluggish.  I am now sorry I did that.  Still the pain and illness continued.

Doctors were stumped.  In all fairness I think it was partially due to the fact we were not living in one place for very long.  My husband's job moved us around and when he retired in 2010 we moved onto a boat and lived along the coast line of the Gulf of Mexico for 10 1/2 years. The adventures were irreplaceable but not having a regular doctor prolonged my issues. 

We are off the boat and live centrally to all our children. Now, we have had the same doctors for about 5 years now.  Somewhere between 2020 and 2021 I addressed my stomach issues again with my doctors.  It had gotten so severe that I could not eat or tolerate the pain. I finally was referred to a GI doctor who set up a nuclear test for me. 

Finally a diagnosis!!!!  I have level 2 gastroparesis.  What is that you asked? I asked the same thing.  Never heard of it.  It is nerve damage to your stomach.  Normally, after a meal your stomach will move the food out to your small intestines in about 2-3 hours.  In my case after 2-3 hours almost 50% of the food is still in my stomach.  There are 4 levels of gastropaesis I am at level 2. The excess food sat in my stomach and basically rotted causing pain in my stomach lining. Every time I ate I only added to the problem.

I have medication that helps with my stomach's motility and excess acid.  Doing much better these day's.  During this time I was trying to clean up my diet and help my gut issues.  My youngest daughter is vegan and encouraged me to try it.  So, I did but I continued to be sick and vomiting. I discovered that fiber was not my friend. Neither were nuts or any processed foods.

Eventually, I landed on the carnivore diet and I am doing much better.  Did the carnivore diet heal me. In this instance no.  Some things are permanent and gastroparesis is one of them.  

How did I get this condition?  The doctors don't know as I don't have any of the markers that lead to this. I was never a diabetic or was insulin resistant.  But here I am. The carnivore diet has helped along with my medication.  

Being a carnivore has also resolved my IBS.  The bathroom is no longer an issue for me and I don't take laxatives any more.  Now, let me be clear this all didn't happen over night.  It took me about a year to start feeling better.  You have to stay the course to see the change.  

Rock on carnivores!!!

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